Lifeline of Galveston County TNR Consent and Liability Agreement: Community Cat Caretakers need to sign this BEFORE Lifeline volunteers start setting up traps on their property. You can send them this waiver via text or email prior to your arrival or you can have them complete this form on your mobile device at the trapping site.
This waiver not only protects the organization, but it also helps protect you (the volunteer!) We do have liability insurance, but this waiver is required for that to take effect.
This form will also allow the caretaker to add a donation with their debit/credit card for the service being provided.
Short Link to copy and paste into text or email to caretaker:
Lifeline of Galveston County Cuddle Shuttle Waiver: People receiving shuttle services for community cats or owned pets need to sign this BEFORE transport volunteers bring pets into their vehicle. You can send them this waiver via text or email prior to your arrival or you can have them complete this form on your mobile device before putting pets into your car.
This waiver not only protects the organization, but it also helps protect you (the volunteer!) We do have liability insurance, but this waiver is required for that to take effect.
This form will also allow them to add a donation with their debit/credit card for the service being provided.
Short Link to copy and paste into text or email to caretaker:
This waiver not only protects the organization, but it also helps protect you (the volunteer!) We do have liability insurance, but this waiver is required for that to take effect.
This form will also allow the caretaker to add a donation with their debit/credit card for the service being provided.
Short Link to copy and paste into text or email to caretaker:
Lifeline of Galveston County Cuddle Shuttle Waiver: People receiving shuttle services for community cats or owned pets need to sign this BEFORE transport volunteers bring pets into their vehicle. You can send them this waiver via text or email prior to your arrival or you can have them complete this form on your mobile device before putting pets into your car.
This waiver not only protects the organization, but it also helps protect you (the volunteer!) We do have liability insurance, but this waiver is required for that to take effect.
This form will also allow them to add a donation with their debit/credit card for the service being provided.
Short Link to copy and paste into text or email to caretaker: